Room of Causality
an immersive installation
What is time? Is there a difference between personal time, the one who's passage we feel, and physical time? Is physical time even necessary to explain our reality?
The Room of Causality takes you on a multi-sensory journey of stories, music, video, and room design which is made to shake the stability of your personal notion of time.
Concept & realisation: Not One Not Two
Music: Ana Bulovic
Funded by: MIND Foundation

Theatre of slowness
In a village there was a house.
In a house there was a woman.
In the woman, there were three secrets.
This piece was born out of experiments within Not One Not Two designed to slow down time, and to experience the sensations which that produces. Cleanliness of emotion, strong archetypal imagery, freshness of sense-data... The rewards of slowing down are endless.
Concept & realisation: Not One Not Two
Visuals: Brenda Hanna

Theatre piece
We do not live in the age of spirituality, we live in the age of spiritual need.
All that your looks can be, all that you can become, all that you can achieve leads fast into an anxious spiral of constant self-improvement. Spirituality enters all too easily in this game of the optimization of the self, just one more tool to relieve the suffering and keep afloat.
And there are many who profess themselves guides of this kind of spirituality, playing the self-maximization game for their own ends. But the spirit is a dangerous thing to play around with. In the alteration of the spirit lies the seed of freedom, and its distortion holds the seed of madness.
Concept & realisation: Not One Not Two

White Flower Red
Masked dance theatre
White Flower Red is a dance-theatre piece which explores the origin of morality in human beings. It makes use of experience-enhancing visual elements to achieve its immersive purpose. The story is inspired by an attempt from Freud, in his Totem and Taboo, to postulate a plausible explanation on why the taboo of incest would be imposed so strictly, and in so many societies - from the most isolated tribal ones, to the most cosmopolitan. Since Freud discarded the biological and instinctual explanation for the incest taboo, he proposed a psychological one.
Concept & realisation: Not One Not Two

Concept music album
Sojourn means a temporary stay, which implies both leaving and returning. Such is the hero's journey. Sojourn tells a story of a woman who decides to leave the security of land and cast off into adventure at sea. Afraid of the unknown, she temporarily escapes back to land, until her love of life brings her back to her element, the water. The unpredictable. The ever-moving, the ever-becoming.
Music by: Ana Bulovic
Lyrics by: Ana Bulovic