I am Berlin-based freelancing theatre maker, musician and a dancer. My work is focused on visual and musical theatre. I am interested in a type of story-telling that harmoniously integrates the bodily, the emotional, the spiritual and the intellectual. I am looking to build bridges between the holy and the silly, cherishing both. I want to unite the peaceful with the insanely driven, intellectual with the emotional. One can imagine it as transforming of binaries of opposites into yin-yang type of dualities.
As a movement researcher, I have discovered a movement practice which grants surprisingly easy access to an altered state of consciousness, and which I use as a channelling method for the voices of the unconscious in my artistic practice.
I am a former academic, with a degree in Theoretical Biophysics, where I studied the organising principles of cells. I have left academia because of my lack of alignment with its working principles, and am now refocusing my research work on studying cosmological underpinnings of models we humans use to understand our world.
I am also helping to start a support group for idiosyncratic researchers, the Turtle Mafia.
Recent theatre projects
Recent writings
My music
An album I composed for the visual and music theatre piece "Sojourn - the call of the sea". It's a concept album that follows a journey of a woman from the call to adventure, to solitude, madness, return to land, and final peaceful unification of the different elements of the self.
Very much a demo version, the album is planned to come out beginning of next year.
Patterns in Time is an album that I created in 2023 as an accompaniment to the immersive installation "Room of Causality" I co-designed together with Paula Martinell Garcia, and which won an audience award at INSIGHT 2023.
Tutus Welt is a silly and sweet theatre piece for kids. It follows a dream journey of Tutu, in which she meets troubled characters of the magic world, and helps them uncover their beauty. It was fun to compose something not so serious for a change, and to work with Mathias Baresel in giving these characters a unique voice.