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Call of the Sea


In a coastal town there lived a girl

Who sang herself to sleep with these words

"Begone coast, begone town, begone sea,

I'm anyways alone, why do you remind me?"


In her dreams the dark sea awoke

With moonlight glittering on its starry coast:

"Come to me, come child, be brave,

there are things in store for you

Within my waves..."




Groping down to the bottom

You will find

Treasures of many 

Different kinds

And if you feel breathless

Don’t be afraid

My creatures don’t need air

And you are mine


Sea calls onto those

Who have no name on land

(No name, we need no name)



Sea promises no cross

And no flowers on the grave

(Flowers they wither away)


When the sea turns

The monsters shall see the light of day

(Set them free, give them way)


When the time comes,

Sea’ll break you or you’ll break the waves

(I’ll break what I need to gain way)



You stand alone

Between the wind and the sail

(We go on, our will is not frail)


And remember:

No wind favours them

Who have no aim


The tide is rising

We have a little paper sail

“We will try our chances”

The captain had said


Moon is full of itself

Mad birds frame its shape

“There’s nothing for us on land”

The captain had said




I’ve seen in a dream

That sister Sun is dead

“But visions come and go”

The captain would’ve said


I’ve mounted my own cross

And I’ve stood up to take veil

“We must all find our own winds”
The captain would’ve said


No matter how long I stay

She’s never the same

“The sea cannot be learned”
The captain should have said

And the monster I’ve heard of 

Seem to leave me alone

“Calm horizon is the worst road”
The captain should have said


Save the fresh fruit for someone else

I float in turbid waters today

I’ve made alliances with them dead fishes

That eat mud, grow old and decay…


But sometimes

I still look down at these hands

But all I see are the two chicken legs

Protruding through these sleeves


I used to be a woman

And if imperfect

At least I formed a shape of some solidity



Weigh down on me

My memory

And tell me what used to be

Cause now I’m perfectly adapted

But to someone else’s need

Save your smile for someone else

I can’t stand the gleam of your teeth

Mouth is to bite,

To chew and spit

Not to flash at strangers so casually

But sometimes

I still look into my eyes

But I’m afraid of the stingrays that lie

In those sands…


I used to be a woman

And if imperfect

At least I formed a shape of some solidity



I woke up tied to the bed

In chains of yesterday

Burning my flesh

Releasing the ash of old skin

With nebulae for eyes

It might be hard to see your captor


But there was 

No one in the room

There was no one in the room

Who could have put the chains there

Put the chains there

It must have been me


Even if alone

I feel my slavery comes from something

I still don’t fully know

But then the rage awoke

I broke them chains with wish 

To take revenge 


But there was 

No one in the room

There was no one in the room

Who could have put the chains there

Put the chains there

It must have been me



My man is tired

I see it in his eyes

I see it in his smile

The way he looks at me 

The way his eyes don’t gleam

He needs his home

The smell of things he knows

Do I live alone?

Do I have a home?

Yes, my min is tired,

But I am full of life

Terrible life

Merciless life


The streets call on me

Dirty night streets

In sweaty summer heat

I will take my leave

Into the wanting streets

With the eyes of men

All upon me


Baby if you want

Baby I’ll be yours

Your holy whore

That’s what I came here for

Your holy whore

And I’ll ride you till the dawn

Your holy whore

I’ll give you all and more

Desires, dreams and joys

Till you can’t take no more


But when your eyes close

In sweet repose

Then the old fears 

Are again to close

Again I have to go

Again I need to go


But what do I do now?

No home and now vow

Desire’s running low

To show or to be shown

But inside me

Yes, inside me 

There is something

That wants to be born

Again I have to go

Into the unknown


Oh the sweet release

Of not knowing

What tomorrow brings..





I’ve lived on land for so long now

Where people all live in packs

And even if I’ve lived so many lifetimes

I’ve never met a captain in my life


I look at the sea from my window

But I cross where bridges have been built

And even if I know it would be worth it

I stay away away away from them waves


How do I leave after a lifetime 

Of waiting in lines to be served

Of owning land and of speaking

Words someone else just might have said?


The paths are so many

But I just have to straight

I see the horizon is pregnant with a new day

A new dawn is rising

A new life is there

The wind I feel is

Taking me away

Taking me…


If you still wait for me

And still look to the sea

Know that with birds I’ll return

Light as a feather after my sojourn



I’ve grazed on the winds of the Wild

I’ve swam in the Lake of Calm

When I was done

I knew I would turn

And bring it all back from my sweet sojourn

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